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Snickers is about 12 years old and a 33" Miniature Horse gelding.  He is an absolute sweetie, loves attention and grooming, leads well and has good manners.  We do not have any history to know if he was ever trained to ride or drive.  Snickers came to use with severely overgrown hooves and a past history of laminitis.  He is currently on a 3 week trim cycle to slowly correct the damage done to his hooves and will need to continue with a farrier experienced in corrective trimming.  He has been blood tested for metabolic disorders, he is negative for Equine metabolic syndrome and is not insulin resistant, but he is marginal for Cushings disease and should be retested in 3-4 months when he has had more time to recover from the neglect he has suffered.  Because of his past lamanitis history, he should be turned out on dry lot or very limited grazing.  Snickers gets along with large and small horses, although his is the submissive type and should not be companion to anything too bossy.  Who wants a loving companion and pet that is willing to give  a little extra TLC?


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